Okay, no really. There's no spoilers here, really, just a big ol' blog post about what's going on.
Unda Vosari: Chronicles is still going. I've got about 20 issues done, over half of which are up. I'm putting them up in arcs, more than individual stories, so each update is a full arc of at least two or three stories. Each part in the arc is a minimum of 1,000 words, and I do a full arc every two to three weeks. The only reason they're not all put up as soon as I do them is the urge to stay "ahead of the game" - if I get a bout of writer's block, I'm able to put up an arc or two and give myself a few extra weeks to get some more stories churning.
I gotta give a shout-out to Robby, who played Nordray back on Venomheart. He's actually downloaded Audacity and tried reading the story and making a recording of it. I'm hoping I can talk him into making a recording for the visually-impaired (which means you, Lacey)...
I'm also still working on digging through the TV Tropes website, looking for more tropes I may have (or have intentionally) used in both Unda Vosari: Legends (which is still on sale - email me if you want a copy) and Unda Vosari: Chronicles (which is free to read and online right here). Want a link to the TV Tropes Unda Vosari article? Here ya' go.
If anyone wants something specific added to the wiki, like character bios, more background or more stories, send me an e-mail and I'll see what I can do to get it included!
I'm glad the link to my Facebook has the images at the top of a Walrus with a flaming watermelon head, a girl making a heart, and famiyl guy. Thanks though Dash :3